Hitchings Insurance

(419) 423-9145

Hitchings Insurance
Hot Shot Truck Insurance

Hot Shot Truck Insurance

January 3, 2022


Hot Shot Truck Insurance is a specialized commercial auto insurance policy for trucking operations that haul various expedited shipments of cargo. Hot Shot Trucking has become increasingly popular in the United States in recent years. Consequently, trucking insurance companies were quick to follow suit and offer a specialized solution for these operations. Here in the midwest, we have seen a large influx of hot shot trucking with these:

  • Class (3) 3500 style pickups GVW between 14,001-16,000
  • Class (4) 4500 style pickups 16,001-19,500gvw
  • Class (5) 5500 style pickups to flatbeds with a GVW between 19,501-26,000 pounds vehicles

Although we see numerous vehicles under 26,000 GVW, it is not limited to that class of vehicles. There are plenty of these operations using semi-tractors for a similar type of hauling. This can also be considered expedited shipping.

The cargo loads vary. A majority of what we see are trucking operations transporting RVs, private passenger cars, auto parts, trailers, and various other items within these industries. We also see hot shot truckers transporting agricultural supplies and construction materials.

Hot Shot Truck Insurance Requirements – Including Expedited Transportation

  • Commercial Auto Liability – Coverage that protects your trucking company against bodily injury and property damage of others that is caused by you.
  • Hired Auto Liability – Provides liability for rented/leased, or hired vehicles used for your business.
  • Employer Non-Owned Auto Liability – Provides liability coverage for an employee’s vehicle while being used for the business.
  • Physical Damage – This is known as comprehensive and collision coverage, which is intended to cover the physical damage of your vehicle/trailer regardless of who is at fault for an accident, act of God, theft, or vandalism. This is not a legal requirement if you own the vehicle outright.
  • Motor Truck Cargo Coverage – Covers the goods you are hauling for-hire. Most brokers and managers are going to require their property to be covered while it is in your possession.
  • On-Hook – Provides legal liability for physical damage to vehicles, watercraft, and property while being towed by you or in your custody.
  • Rental Reimbursement – Coverage to pay for the cost of a rental while your primary vehicle is in the shop due to an insurance related repair. Reimbursement is available up to $300 per day/ $9,000 max.
  • Rental with Downtime – Extra layer of protection for rental reimbursement. If a suitable rental substitution is not located, this coverage will reimburse for your downtime. Maximum available limits are $750 per day with a $22,500 maximum limit (30 days).
  • Trailer Interchange – Coverage for any non-owned trailer while in your care, custody, or control. Typically required per lease agreement.
  • Non-Owned Trailer Physical Damage – Coverage for collision and comprehensive for trailers that are not owned by you but are used in the course of your business. Coverage is intended to be used for trailers that are in your possession for less than 30 days. If 30 days or more, we can endorse the policy and add the trailer more permanently for a reasonable cost.

Other Possible Hot Shot Truck Requirements

  • State and Federal Forms – You may be required to carry MCS-90, MCS-150, BOC-3, Waiver of Subrogation, state forms, or other federal forms required by law.
  • Most freight brokers and managers require a minimum of $1,000,000 per occurrence for liability coverage.
  • An MC number will be required if you plan to operate across state lines.
  • A DOT number will likely be required.
  • A CDL may be required (state dependent). If you have a state issued CDL, your insurance will cost less.
  • International Registration Plan will likely be needed for the truck and trailer both. Check with your respective state on this requirement.


Hot shot trucking costs can vary from $6,500 to $12,000 per unit depending on a lot of different factors. Each operation is completely different. The main cost factors are listed below.

  • Age – Overall age of the drivers in the fleet. Ages between 30-63 are ideal for lower rates.
  • Driver Accident History – Clean drivers cost less to insure.
  • Trucking Experience – Commercial driving experience is a great way to lower commercial auto costs.
  • Geographic Areas – Large metropolitan areas are going to have significantly higher costs due to higher hazard of surroundings.
  • Age of Equipment – The newer the trucks, the better…for insurance costs anyways!
  • Coverage Limits and Deductibles – Higher deductibles cost less money. The higher the liability limits, the more the insurance costs.
  • DOT Safety Record – Certainly plays an important part in costs. The cleaner your company’s history, the less you pay in insurance costs.

Here at Hitchings Insurance, we love working with hot shot trucking operations. We have great insurance carriers for your business and we are here to help you understand the proper coverages. Give us a call (419-423-9145) or contact us directly on our website using the chat feature. You can also get started by completing this quote form. We look forward to helping you today!