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Hitchings Insurance
New Ohio Distracted Driving Laws Effective April 2023

New Distracted Driving Laws Effective April 2023 in Ohio | Hitchings Insurance

June 15, 2023


New Additional Actions Are Now Illegal in Ohio Effective in April 2023

As of April 2023, new laws in Ohio are targeting distracted driving. Not only does this include texting and driving but also the use of navigation systems while en route. Although these actions were not welcomed before, they now are enforcing them with harsher repercussions. These new laws are in place to make the roads in Ohio safer which is great, but if you are not aware of the changes you could be caught off guard!

What Changes Should I Be Aware Of?

We all want to get to our destinations safely day to day. These laws can help make sure that you and your peers are making better choices while out on the road. There are some changes that you should be aware of that you may do now without thinking about it. Here are the new laws that started to be enforced in April 2023:

  • The new law prohibits a person from using, holding, or physically supporting with any part of the person’s body any EWCD (electronic wireless communications device) – while operating a motor vehicle on any street, highway, or public property. (No dialing/entering GPS data while driving. No live streaming or video calls. No holding the phone and taking videos/pictures.)

This means there should be no more passing people with their heads down looking at their phones. That is now illegal. This should help create a more efficient commute, and overall help the Ohio roadways be a safer place for newer and veteran drivers.

What Happens If I Get Stopped for One of These Violations

Our law enforcement has been told to give people a warning for the first six months. This will allow them time to get the word out about the new laws as well as give people time to adjust to them. But if you were to get stopped after those six months, the penalty is harsher than before. According to the Ohio Department of Transportation, the fines could be anywhere from $150 and two points on your driving record for a first offense, up to $500 and four points for a third offense within a two-year period.

If this is something you are used to doing, it is going to be a hard habit to break. That is why law enforcement may spend the first 6 months informing the public about the new law.

How Will This Affect My Insurance?

As these new laws go into effect, many people may be getting stopped and possibly fined. Not only do you have to pay those fines, but it also could affect your insurance. If you are continuously getting fined (which means added points to your driver’s license) some carriers may not represent you anymore. This also could result in increased premiums because you could be considered an at-risk driver! The moral of the story is to make sure you are making the right decisions behind the wheel and hopefully inspire others to do the same!

With the new laws in place, they should reduce the amount of distracted driving on the roadways and decrease accidents that happen because of it. We hope that you take into consideration not only the safety of yourself but also the safety of others and that you choose to make better choices behind the wheel!

This should also result in lesser claims due to distracted driving. Not only will this be safer for the roadways, but it will also help you, by not having to submit a claim and potentially raise your rates! Hitchings Insurance takes the extra steps to make sure your coverage fits your needs and wants. To get a quote or more information, contact us at info@hitchingsinsurance.com or call 419-423-9145.