Farm Fact Friday: Pizza Made Possible by Farmers Hello everyone and welcome back to another Farm Fact Friday, I don't know about you but on Fridays our family likes to do pizza and pizza really comes from the American farmers to make sure that you [...]
Farm Fact Friday: Traveling Prepared During Winter Hello everyone welcome back to another Farm Fact Friday and the 1st of 2022 of course hope you had a wonderful holiday and a great start to the year. It's great to be back and we're [...]
Farm Fact Friday: How to make Homemade Butter from a Mason Jar Hello everyone welcome back to another Farm Fact Friday we hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family or and friends or however you spent the day yesterday. I hope you remain in that attitude [...]
Farm Fact Friday: Getting the Garden Ready Hello everyone welcome back to another Farm Fact Friday. Today, I'm in the basement and we are going to talk about getting ready for the garden. A lot of what we talk about in Farm Fact [...]