Ohio Commercial Auto Insurance

Whether your business is a farm or a factory, a store or a healthcare facility, vehicles are no doubt critical to your daily operations. If you use one or more vehicles to conduct your business, you need Commercial Auto Insurance.

Don’t be misled by the term “auto” – this type of coverage includes trucks, vans, limos, pickups, taxis and more, including autos. Every state in the country requires commercial vehicle Liability Insurance, at minimum, regardless of whether you own, lease, or rent. Whether you have one car you scoot around town in to make deliveries or a fleet of box trucks, if the vehicles are used for business or registered as commercial vehicles, you need this insurance.

Here are just a few examples:

  • You are an independent contractor who uses your pickup for business
  • You are a restaurant or catering business with a few box trucks that make deliveries
  • You have a family farm that transports produce or livestock

One business blunder we’ve seen more than once: business owners – particularly small business owners – relying on their own personal Auto Insurance, or letting employees use their own cars to conduct business. That’s a risky practice, exposing your business and personal assets to liability should an accident occur. Most personal policies won’t cover an accident that happens in the course and scope of doing business. That’s why you need Commercial Auto Insurance. It typically includes:

  • Liability Insurance: Bodily Injury, Property Damage, and Uninsured / Underinsured Motorist
  • Physical damage coverage: Collision, Comprehensive

The right Ohio Commercial Auto Insurance coverage for you depends on the nature of your business, who or what the vehicle transports, and how much you drive each day. There may be other considerations or regulations that come into play that would warrant additional coverage. For example, Gap Insurance, Employees as Insureds, or Truck Liability, if you have large trucks.

At Hitchings Insurance, our licensed professionals are experts in identifying your business exposures, sourcing, and quoting the right coverage from among our trusted insurance partners.

Learn why so many Ohio and Michigan businesses trust Hitchings Insurance Agency to protect their business vehicles though Commercial Auto Insurance. Discover the difference yourself – fill out a quote form or call us at 419-423-9145.