Grain Farm Insurance

Grain farmers are near and dear to our hearts! In fact, some of our very own Hitchings Insurance professionals also row crop farms full-time! Grain crop farmers feed the world. We understand the importance of these operations and do our best to help our farming partners get back in the fields when disaster strikes. We operate with a sense of urgency, as do our carrier partners regarding this line of business.

We can help those who have farms in

  • Ohio
  • Indiana
  • Michigan
  • Kentucky
  • Tennessee
Grain Farm Insurance

Grain Farm Coverage and Insurance to consider

Personal Property

Homes, personally owned autos, personal liability exposures.

Farm Employers Liability

Providing stop-gap coverage for injuries sustained by farm employees.

Workers Compensation

Protection against injury to employees.

Farm Trucking Insurance

Covers semis, flatbeds, grain trucks, and heavy-duty and light-duty pickups. Learn More

Pollution Liability

Liability against spray drift, vaporization, and seepage into the ground or water table.

Farm Liability

Protection for accidents, negligence, and other forms of liability on the farms.

Farm Buildings

Any type of farm structure, such as machine sheds, confinement buildings, and fertilizer storage buildings, can be included.

Grain Storage Buildings

We offer coverage for various agricultural structures, including grain legs, towers, bins, complexes, shops, and livestock buildings.

Farm Property

We offer coverage for various agricultural structures, including grain legs, towers, bins, complexes, shops, and livestock buildings.

Crop Insurance

Protection for losses incurred due to unpredictable events such as adverse weather, pests, or disease, helping to mitigate the potential impacts on agricultural production. Learn More

Legacy Planning

Life Insurance, Key Man Policies. We can help transfer risk and keep the legacy in your family for years to come by funding plans with life insurance.

We genuinely love our farmers! We work for you to find excellent farm insurance solutions.
Connect with a licensed farm specialist today!

Our Farm Insurance Promise

We value people, even more than the farms they operate, and make it our job to mitigate risks and leave no room for doubt. We actively listen, ask questions, and leverage our network of insurance carriers to find the right coverage, at the best price possible.

To learn more about our ‘People Before Policies’ approach – complete and submit a free quote request – or call us at 419-423-9145.