Swine Operation Insurance

As a swine farm operator, you care for a few of over 75,000,000 licensed hogs in the USA. Pigs are big business in the USA. If you’re not a pig farmer, you likely know someone involved in the industry. Whether you enjoy bacon, bratwurst, or pork sausage, you can think of your local swine farm operation for their part in bringing that delicious meat to your table.

You understand first-hand that the economic impact of your swine farm operations is crucial to our economy. It supports thousands of businesses throughout the supply chain, including feed suppliers, trucking and logistics companies, food processors, equipment sales, and manufacturers. Navigating the challenges of keeping your operation bustling and providing safe, top-quality animals comes with unique risks. For that reason, there are specific insurance requirements for swine operations that should be discussed.

Hitchings Insurance provides cost-effective solutions to support and protect your swine operation & livestock coverage needs. Let’s talk today about the swine operations we work with and how we can help improve your peace of mind.

Swine Farm Insurance

Insurance coverages your swine operation should consider.

At Hitchings Insurance, our policies are designed to protect your swine operation, ensuring we protect your bottom line.

Care, Custody, Control

If the hogs are in your possession but legally owned by someone else, you may need this coverage. Essentially, it covers the animals while they are in your control.

Business Interruption

If you lost a building and couldn’t grow swine for an extended period, this would help recover lost revenue and additional expenses.

Liability Insurance

Coverage against liability exposures, pollution liability, and general liability.

Property Insurance

Coverage against confinement buildings, feed, bins, tools, and equipment.

Livestock Gross Margin

Protection against loss of gross margin. We DON’T offer this plan. However, it is available through select USDA-approved operations.

Asphyxiation & Smothering

Coverage against accidental suffocating.

Swine Operation Types that we work with

1. Hog Confinement Operation – This can be split up into several operations. In the Midwest, most of our clients are finishing operations, which grow weaned piglets until they reach market weight.
2. Farrowing Operation – Also known as breeding facilities.
3. Pasture Raised – Operations that allow their pigs to roam an open area.
4. Niche Specialty Farms – These operations grow specific bloodlines, keeping genetic heritage intact. Niche swine farms could include organically raised, non-GMO, or artisanal small-batch farms.
5. Show Pig Operations – These are specialty farms that focus on high-end breeding and genetics, intending to show at local, state, and national fairs and other competitions.
6. Contract Farms – Very popular confinement operations. These farms are growers working under a contract agreement with a large operator. The operators typically supply the piglets, feed, and vet care, and the farmers provide the confinement facility and the knowledge to get them to market weight.

Our Farm Insurance Promise

We value people, even more than the farms they operate, and make it our job to mitigate risks and leave no room for doubt. We actively listen, ask questions, and leverage our network of insurance carriers to find the right coverage, at the best price possible.

To learn more about our ‘People Before Policies’ approach – complete and submit a free quote request – or call us at 419-423-9145.