Toy Insurance
When we are young, a toy is often a small representation of something familiar. We all remember a favourite baby doll, tractor, or remote-controlled boat. If we’re lucky, toys still amuse us as we age, but they look slightly different!
Remember that remote control boat you enjoyed as a kid? It has been replaced by an actual boat you drive on the water! Unfortunately, many homeowners in Ohio assume these toys will automatically be covered under home, farm, or vehicle coverage, which is typically untrue. Let’s talk about a few of the toys that require specific insurance. They are NOT automatically covered:
It could be an awful weekend at the camp if you assumed your homeowners’ policy covered the ATV! There is NO coverage if there is any physical damage to the toys above. There are a couple of exceptions, but even then, coverage is very minimal. Also, liability for belongings does NOT extend from your homeowners’ policy either. So, let’s get the toys you’ve worked hard to have and enjoy covered by adding specific coverage to your insurance policy.